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Variations of the alloys
Remember - many of the alloys below occur in several variations (7 variations of copper, for example). This is often because of very minor variations in the metallurgy of the alloy that enhance a particular characteristic of the alloy, such as ductility or machinability. These changes in metallurgy give rise to variations different enough to warrant assigning the alloys their own UNS number, but not different enough to assign them a different name. /Asset/1.jpg
Copper Alloy Colors Chart
(40) The 40 Copper Alloys regularly available in the USAVariations of the alloys
Remember - many of the alloys below occur in several variations (7 variations of copper, for example). This is often because of very minor variations in the metallurgy of the alloy that enhance a particular characteristic of the alloy, such as ductility or machinability. These changes in metallurgy give rise to variations different enough to warrant assigning the alloys their own UNS number, but not different enough to assign them a different name. /Asset/1.jpg